
Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen

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Name: Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen
Type: Academic/research institution
Institution/funder website: http://www.uni-giessen.de
Country: Germany
Open Access policy: Request
Policy link: http://www.uni-giessen.de/ub/digitales-publizieren/files/oaresolution
Effective date from: 2011-03-17
Open Access, how?: Green route (deposit in repositories), Gold route (recommend OA journal publication)
What must be deposited?: Articles
Versions of papers that may/must be deposited: Unspecified
When are accepted peer-reviewed papers to be deposited?: Unspecified
Duration of permissible embargo prior papers being made freely available: Unspecified (‘after period stipulated by the publisher’)
Copyright terms...(text extracted from the policy): "...Das Präsidium empfiehlt daher den Wissenschaftlern/innen der JLU Gießen, sich bei Autorenverträgen entsprechende Rechte zur Parallelveröffentlichung zu sichern..."
Where to archive?: Central or subject repository, Institutional repository
Name of specified archive: Giessener Elektronische Bibliothek
URL of specified archive: http://geb.uni-giessen.de/geb/index.php?la=en
Q4. Open Access policyRequest1
Q9. Allow Faculty to opt-out of the requirement?Request
Q16. Versions of papers that may/must be depositedUnspecified0
Q17. When are accepted peer-reviewed papers to be deposited?Unspecified0
Q18. Duration of permissible embargo prior papers being made freely availableUnspecified (‘after period stipulated by the publisher’)-2
Q20. Copyright reservation (institutions)Authors should retain copyright whenever is possible1
Q26. Internal use of deposited material (if yes, check any if apply)Authors should retain copyright whenever is possible
Q27. Deposit of Electronic Thesis / Dissertations (requirement)Authors should retain copyright whenever is possible
P: 0.4
(OA%) Academic/research institution = 100*0.4/1.921.1

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Dulcinea, BuscaRepositorios y Melibea son productos del grupo de investigación "Acceso abierto a la ciencia". CSO2014-52830-P.