
Fundaçao para la Ciência e a Tecnologia

  • Full record
  • estimator
Name: Fundaçao para la Ciência e a Tecnologia
Type: Funder
Institution/funder website: http://www.fct.pt/
Country: Portugal
Open Access policy: Requirement
Policy link: http://www.fct.pt/documentos/PoliticaAcessoAberto_Publicacoes.pdf
Effective date from: 2014-05-05
Open Access, how?: Green route (deposit in repositories)
Scope of policy?: Whole or partial funding
Funder pays for publication fees: Yes (charged by direct or indirect costs)
What must be deposited?: Articles, Conference papers, Data, Doctoral thesis, Books, Book Chapters
Versions of papers that may/must be deposited: Author's peer-reviewed final draft, Publisher's version of record
When are accepted peer-reviewed papers to be deposited?: At time of acceptance, At time of publication
Duration of permissible embargo prior papers being made freely available: 6 months after publication, 12 months after publication
Copyright reservation (funders): Retain copyright whenever is possible
Copyright terms...(text extracted from the policy): A FCT recomenda que os autores das obras que se encontrem no âmbito de aplicação da presente política protejam os direitos de propriedade intelectual que detêm sobre as mesmas através da aplicação de uma licença de acesso e reutilização compatível com a presente política, nomeadamente a licença Creative Commons CC-BY
Where to archive?: Central or subject repository
Name of specified archive: RCAAP
URL of specified archive: http://www.rcaap.pt/
Are there any type of monitoring actions to check compliance with the policy ( if yes, check any if apply): Cancel funds
Q4. Open Access policyRequirement2
Q8. Can requirement be waived by funder?Requirement
Q11. Scope of policy?Whole or partial funding2
Q12. Funder pays for publication feesYes (charged by direct or indirect costs)1
Q16. Versions of papers that may/must be depositedAuthor's peer-reviewed final draft0.8
Publisher's version of record0.8
Q17. When are accepted peer-reviewed papers to be deposited?At time of acceptance2
At time of publication1.5
Q18. Duration of permissible embargo prior papers being made freely available6 months after publication-0.5
12 months after publication-1
Q19. Copyright reservation (funders)Retain copyright whenever is possible1
Q25. Are there any type of monitoring actions to check compliance with the policy ( if yes, check any if apply)Cancel funds0
P: 1.505
(OA%) Funder = 100*1.505/1.979.2

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Dulcinea, BuscaRepositorios y Melibea son productos del grupo de investigación "Acceso abierto a la ciencia". CSO2014-52830-P.