
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC - Data

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Name: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC - Data
Type: Funder
Institution/funder website: http://www.cdc.gov
Country: United States
Open Access policy: Requirement
Policy link: http://www.cdc.gov/od/science/docs/Final-CDC-Public-Access-Plan-Jan-2015_508-Compliant.pdf
Effective date from: 2015-10-01
Open Access, how?: Green route (deposit in repositories)
Exemptions....(text extracted from the policy): "In general, datasets, irrespective of publications, that are intended for release or sharing should be made available within 30 months following the end of data collection. This timeline applies to both intramural and extramural data. Furthermore, reviews and approval processes for releasing CDC data will vary by CIO and by the type of data released. Before data are released or shared, data will be evaluated for quality."
Scope of policy?: Whole or partial funding
What must be deposited?: Data
Where to archive?: Unspecified
Are there any type of monitoring actions to check compliance with the policy ( if yes, check any if apply): Required manuscript submission number/OD identifier
Q4. Open Access policyRequirement2
Q8. Can requirement be waived by funder?Requirement
Q11. Scope of policy?Whole or partial funding2
Q12. Funder pays for publication feesWhole or partial funding
Q16. Versions of papers that may/must be depositedWhole or partial funding
Q17. When are accepted peer-reviewed papers to be deposited?Whole or partial funding
Q18. Duration of permissible embargo prior papers being made freely availableWhole or partial funding
Q19. Copyright reservation (funders)Whole or partial funding
Q25. Are there any type of monitoring actions to check compliance with the policy ( if yes, check any if apply)Required manuscript submission number/OD identifier0
P: 1
(OA%) Funder = 100*1/1.952.6

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Dulcinea, BuscaRepositorios y Melibea son productos del grupo de investigación "Acceso abierto a la ciencia". CSO2014-52830-P.