
Universidad de Antioquia

  • Full record
  • estimator
Name: Universidad de Antioquia
Type: Academic/research institution
Institution/funder website: http://www.udea.edu.co
Country: Colombia
Open Access policy: Request
Policy link: http://bibliotecadigital.udea.edu.co/handle/10495/9725
Effective date from: 2018-04-24
Open Access, how?: Vía dorada (requiring publication in journals that meet Open Access definition)
Can requirement be waived by funder?: Waivers on both deposit and immediate OA
Exemptions....(text extracted from the policy): no tiene
Scope of policy?: Whole or partial funding
Funder pays for publication fees: Yes, through supplemental funding
What must be deposited?: Book Chapters
What may be deposited?: Projects reports
Are there any exceptions to deposit any kind of document? (check any if apply): Patentable discoveries
Versions of papers that may/must be deposited: Publisher's version of record
When are accepted peer-reviewed papers to be deposited?: Unspecified
Duration of permissible embargo prior papers being made freely available: More than 12 months after publication
Copyright reservation (funders): No copyright reservation
Copyright terms...(text extracted from the policy): no tiene
Where to archive?: Institutional repository
Name of specified archive: Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Antioquia
URL of specified archive: http://bibliotecadigital.udea.edu.co/
Are there any type of monitoring actions to check compliance with the policy ( if yes, check any if apply): No
Q4. Open Access policyRequest1
Q9. Allow Faculty to opt-out of the requirement?Opt-outs of both deposit and immediate OA-1
Q16. Versions of papers that may/must be depositedPublisher's version of record0.8
Q17. When are accepted peer-reviewed papers to be deposited?Unspecified0
Q18. Duration of permissible embargo prior papers being made freely availableMore than 12 months after publication-2
Q20. Copyright reservation (institutions)No copyright reservation-2
Q26. Internal use of deposited material (if yes, check any if apply)Use for promotion/tenure0
Q27. Deposit of Electronic Thesis / Dissertations (requirement)No0
P: 0.04
(OA%) Academic/research institution = 100*0.04/1.92.1

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Dulcinea, BuscaRepositorios y Melibea son productos del grupo de investigación "Acceso abierto a la ciencia". CSO2014-52830-P.