
Joint Research Centre

  • Full record
  • estimator
Name: Joint Research Centre
Type: Funder
Institution/funder website: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc
Country: Europa
Open Access policy: Requirement
Policy link: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/index.cfm?id=1410&dt_code=NWS&obj_id=18700
Effective date from: 2014-01-06
Open Access, how?: Green route (deposit in repositories), Gold route (recommend OA journal publication)
What must be deposited?: Articles
Versions of papers that may/must be deposited: Unspecified
When are accepted peer-reviewed papers to be deposited?: Unspecified
Duration of permissible embargo prior papers being made freely available: 12 months after publication
Where to archive?: Institutional repository
Name of specified archive: JRC Publications Repository
URL of specified archive: http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository
Q4. Open Access policyRequirement2
Q8. Can requirement be waived by funder?Requirement
Q11. Scope of policy?Requirement
Q12. Funder pays for publication feesRequirement
Q16. Versions of papers that may/must be depositedUnspecified0
Q17. When are accepted peer-reviewed papers to be deposited?Unspecified0
Q18. Duration of permissible embargo prior papers being made freely available12 months after publication-1
Q19. Copyright reservation (funders)12 months after publication
Q25. Are there any type of monitoring actions to check compliance with the policy ( if yes, check any if apply)12 months after publication
P: 0.75
(OA%) Funder = 100*0.75/1.939.5

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Dulcinea, BuscaRepositorios y Melibea son productos del grupo de investigación "Acceso abierto a la ciencia". CSO2014-52830-P.